UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers  is one of the 24 Chambers of Turkish engineers, architecture association which involves more than member of 550.000 engineers, architects, industrial planners and similar job titles in Turkey.

UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers has been founded in 1970. Currently it has 5200 members, one branch in Istanbul, three provincial representation and around 50 representatives working in different companies in Turkey.

Our missions are:

  • Contribute common needs of job dutie
  • Ease /help job requirements
  • Establish integrity and trust in professional relations
  • Preserve rights and benefits of metallurgical engineers
  • Support job development spread throughout country

We would like to get involved scientific and technological developments in the world.

We believe in that nothing goes all right without research and development activities.

We have high potential workforce in Turkey. It will be valuable if the workforce is activated correctly in today challenges.

Periodical bulletin and books are published aiming to match with missions briefed above. In addition to these, seminar, exhibition, symposiums and congress are organized to share the information gathered in technological improvements areas Chamber has strong relationship with universities, metallurgical engineers and related professionals in the education programs.

UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers has been performed many scientific and technical congresses and symposiums ( 19 International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, 8 Aluminium Symposium, 5 Heat Treatment Symposium, 7 Iron and Steel Symposium, 2 NDT Symposium)  since it’s foundation. 187 metallurgy journals have been published until June 2019 and this activity will continue.

In 1988 with the leadership of UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers the first NDT training, examination and certification body in Turkey has started it’s activities with German Non Destructive Testing Society in Turkey then continue to work together with METU. Finally, 1668 personnel has received training certificate and 550 personnel has successfully received international DGZFP according to EN 473.

All technical and sectoral works are carried out through METEM which is vocational and technical education center of Chamber of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers since 2015.

UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers is also helping junior engineers to find suitable jobs and support them with technical developments training and seminar organization to improve the practical skills within various scopes of metallurgy field.




    Metalurji ve Malzeme Dergileri


    Metalurji Dergileri


    Hurdacı Dergileri



Metalurji dergilerinin 121. sayısından itibaren yazıların tam metinlerinde arama yapabilirsiniz.

Metalurji Dergilerinde Arama:

Yasalar ve Yönetmelikler, Yönetim Organları, Genel Kurul Sonuç Bildirgeleri, Çalışma Raporları, Sektörel Raporlar, Basın Açıklamaları, Dergi Yazı Başlıkları, Kongre Kitap ve CD'leri, Sempozyumlar ve Kütüphanemizde bulunan kitap özetlerinden oluşan arşivimizde arama yapabilirsiniz.

ArÅŸivde Arama:


TMMOB Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisleri Odası
Kültür Mahallesi, Çaldıran Sokak Nida Apt. NO: 14 / 13 Kolej
Çankaya ANKARA
Tel: (312) - 425 41 60 ve 419 38 18 Faks: (312) - 418 93 43
E-Posta: Genel Merkez - Ä°stanbul Åžube -
Ä°zmir Åžube - Bursa TemsilciliÄŸi